Всего то через пять месяцев после последнего обновления мой варгеймерский сплин начал потихоньку проходить и я смог засесть за покрас новых моделей.
Моими первыми жертвами стали разбойники под псевдоисторический проект, который я ковыряю уже сто лет как. Это первая треть от банды, которая будет состоят в общей сложности из 12 человек, и закроет мои базовые потребности в злодеях с большой дороги.
Надеюсь следующая партия уже получится пободрее.
Well, it was a long time since I posted anything here. It seems that I managed to catch a terrible case of wargaming apathy and was not able to force myself to paint or even play any wargames for a very long time. It seems however that this condition is finally lifted and I began to recover scattered bits of my wargaming mojo. So here is my first painted minis in a five months. They represent bandits and brigands led by deserter sergent for my historical-fantasy games. There going to be a twelve of them in the end at least I hope that I manage to paint that much before I get distracted by another wargaming folly. Not pariculary happy by how they are turned out but to be honest they looks better then I expected after such a long pause in painting.